From Charleston to Charleston: Captain Mike’s Mission

Today, I’m at Little Creek Golf Course, talking to Captain Mike Michels of the Salvation Army. We dive into his journey, a path that led him from a rewarding career to a calling to serve the community.

Captain Mike shares his background. He spent years working with the Salvation Army, influenced by his parents, who were officers themselves. He made a significant decision to attend the Salvation Army Seminary, where he became an officer. He now serves as the area commander for Charleston and seven surrounding counties. This role involves more administration, yet the focus remains on helping the community.

Captain Mike discusses his new appointment in Charleston, West Virginia. Though he is familiar with the area, having grown up nearby, this is a fresh start for him. He acknowledges the irony of moving from Charleston, South Carolina, back to Charleston, West Virginia.

We shift the conversation to the Salvation Army. Many associate the organization with its holiday red kettles and thrift stores, but its mission extends much further. Captain Mike explains that the Salvation Army originated from a Methodist minister who wanted to reach people directly through street ministry. This initiative grew into a larger organization dedicated to both spiritual and social service.

The Salvation Army operates a church and administrative offices in Charleston. They provide essential services, including help with rent and utilities, food assistance, and children’s programs. They also play a vital role in disaster response, aiding first responders and communities in need.

As we wrap up, I ask Captain Mike how people can support the Salvation Army. He encourages listeners to search for the organization online or connect through social media. They can find opportunities to volunteer or donate, or access the services provided. He notes that calling 211 is a quick way to connect with resources, including those offered by the Salvation Army.

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