Meet Brett White: The Multi-Hustling ‘Trophy Guy’
The Kanawha Valley Hustle podcast welcomes guest, Brett White, who is known for his multiple hustles. Joe Justice, the host of the podcast, introduced White as a special guest who is known for doing exciting and interesting things. White’s main job is working as an insurance agent for Providence Insurance Agency in South Charleston, West Virginia. However, he also has his own creative works business where he etches wood plaques using a laser and a 3D printer. Additionally, he runs a business called IoTemy Labs where he provides digital marketing and web development services.
One of White’s unique side hustle is creating trophies using a 3D printer and an industrial CO2 laser. He began making plaques for a their golf tournaments, and every year he makes something new. He has worked with Jay Silverman of The Dirty Birds to create unique trophies such as the 3D printed hotdog trophy that took him 60 hours to print and model. White is now known as the “trophy guy” in his area because of the unique trophies he creates. He likes to make trophies that people would want to hang on their wall or display because they are so unique and out there.
White uses both a 3D printer and a CO2 laser to create his trophies. The CO2 laser is mostly used commercially in industrial sports for quick cutting of materials such as acrylic plastic or wood. The consumer version of a CO2 laser is the Glowforge, which is available at local makerspaces such as the Kanawha County Public Library.
Brett White is a unique and talented individual with multiple hustles. His creativity and passion for making unique trophies using a 3D printer and CO2 laser have earned him the reputation as the “trophy guy” and so much more!