Thinking Bigger and Moving Faster with Hitendra Patel

In this episode of the Kanawha Valley Hustlers podcast, I am at Up Next Charlie West’s First Tuesday event at Tinkers and Timbers. I run into Hitendra Patel, and I ask him about his hustle. He says his goal is to help people become great entrepreneurs and innovators, making their businesses grow ten times faster.

Earlier in the day, I attended his presentation at the Innovation Center, where he spoke to a cohort of entrepreneurs. He explains that these businesses aim to grow significantly by thinking bigger and working faster with partners. He introduces a concept from Korea called “Palli palli” meaning “fast, fast,” emphasizing the urgency of acting immediately.

I ask if this mindset stems from Korea’s history of conflict. He believes it does but also highlights Korea’s economic growth over the last 50 years, producing global companies like Samsung, Hyundai, and LG. He suggests this kind of growth can happen here in the Kanawha Valley.

Patel shares his background, mentioning his work at Motorola, where his team developed lithium-ion batteries for cell phones and laptops. Since then, he has traveled the world teaching businesses how to turn big ideas into reality. Now, he is in the Kanawha Valley to help small businesses think bigger and create economic growth.

We discuss the challenges businesses face with outdated systems and processes, often referred to as technical debt. Patel calls it a “sunk cost,” explaining that past investments can hold companies back. He advises letting go of the past and focusing on new opportunities for growth.

As we wrap up, Patel shares how people can learn more about his work through the Global Innovation Management Institute at The institute offers training programs and university partnerships, including one with the University of Charleston.

I thank Patel for joining me, and he signs off by saying he is going to hustle now. I remind listeners to hustle smart, hustle hard, and hustle with a smile.

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