

DISCLAIMER: The appearance of any politician as a guest on the Kanawha Valley Hustlers Podcast does not constitute an endorsement or promotion of their political ideology, party affiliation, or policies. We extend an open invitation to politicians from all backgrounds to participate in discussions on our show.

In this episode, I chat with Derrick Evans, a real estate entrepreneur turned political candidate. Despite his political aspirations, our conversation veers into the realm of business development. Derrick shares his journey from being a schoolteacher to diving headfirst into the world of real estate investing with his wife. We discuss the importance of safeguarding individual freedoms and liberties, a driving force behind Derrick’s foray into politics. He emphasizes the pressing concerns of inflation and border security, issues resonating with communities across the nation. Derrick offers practical advice for aspiring entrepreneurs, stressing the significance of legitimizing their ventures and building relationships with local bankers. Amidst the hustle of campaigning and business pursuits, he underscores the importance of family and balance. Overall, Derrick’s story is a testament to the power of perseverance and passion, serving as inspiration for fellow hustlers navigating their own entrepreneurial journeys.

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In today’s episode of the Kanawha Valley Hustlers podcast, I chat with Hanna, a newcomer in town diving into the world of public relations and government affairs. We discuss the importance of niche marketing, emphasizing genuine connections to drive growth through word-of-mouth and social media. Hanna stresses the significance of open communication in fostering a positive workplace culture, highlighting the need for all voices to be heard. She shares her strategy for setting and achieving long-term goals, advocating for accountability and a strong support system. Leadership, according to Hanna, hinges on understanding and respecting your audience, rather than simply asserting authority. Lastly, she offers valuable advice on building and maintaining professional relationships, emphasizing the power of an open mind and a willingness to engage with others. As we wrap up, Hanna leaves us with a reminder that Charleston is full of opportunities for connection and growth.

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I chatted with Brett White to about the upcoming 6th Annual Raspberry Jam event. Set for this Saturday at the University of Charleston, it promises to be the biggest yet. Brett’s mission is to make computer science accessible to all, and this event, with its focus on Python coding and Raspberry Pi technology, does just that. Attendees can expect workshops, prizes, and a chance to explore the world of single board computers. From retro gaming to AI development, there’s something for everyone. And the best part? It’s all free, thanks to generous sponsors. So, if you’re curious about coding or eager to dive into the world of tech, join us this Saturday. Let’s hustle hard, hustle smart, and hustle with a smile at the 6th Annual Raspberry Jam. See you there!

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On today’s podcast, I’m chatting with Mike Stockman owner of BizSolutions.Tech about the upcoming 6th Annual Raspberry Jam. It’s happening this Saturday, March 16th, and it’s all about exploring the incredible potential of Raspberry Pi computers. Mike explains that it’s a hands-on event where people of all ages can learn about various applications for Raspberry Pi, from home automation to gaming. We’re excited about the opportunity to inspire the next generation of tech enthusiasts, especially here in West Virginia. By sponsoring events like this, Mike is fostering a love for technology and innovation. We reminisce about the early days of computing and marvel at how far we’ve come. Whether you’re a seasoned tech pro or just curious, mark your calendars for this Saturday, from 11 AM to 3 PM. Let’s hustle hard, hustle smart, and embrace the endless possibilities of Raspberry Pi. See you there!

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In today’s episode of the Kanawha Valley Hustlers podcast, I chat with Chad about the upcoming 6th Annual Raspberry Jam WV on March 16th. Chad shares his past experiences at these events, highlighting the fun and educational aspects. We discuss how the Raspberry Pi, a small but powerful computer, is at the heart of the Jam, allowing attendees to experiment with coding and technology. Chad emphasizes that Python, the programming language used, is beginner-friendly and encourages everyone to give it a try. What stands out most about the Raspberry Jam is its welcoming atmosphere—whether you’re a coding expert or a complete novice, there’s something for everyone. Chad stresses the importance of community and learning together, making the event accessible and enjoyable for all. So mark your calendars and join us for a day of innovation and camaraderie at the University of Charleston campus.

Learn more and sign up here: https://lu.ma/jamwv2024

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