2021 Outdoor Recap

2021 Outdoor Adventure Review

At the beginning of 2021 I joined up with Mountaineer Media to help shine a spotlight on all the great things West Virginia offers in outdoor recreation. My plan was pretty simple, take my boys, Clark and Ray, out to enjoy anything we could find. From city parks to the State Fair, we traveled with my camera in tow. I shot a little footage, ask the boys what they enjoyed and put the whole thing together as a short video. It all worked out pretty well with 8 episode exploring the Mountain State.

With the New Year here, I sat the boys down to watch all the episode and get their reflections on the places we visited; ACE Trail Maintenance Weekend, Little Creek Park, Mountain State Art and Craft Fair, Paint Creek and Plum Orchard Lake, Mountain Lake Campground and Salmon Run, West Virginia State Fair, Gritt’s Farm and Ritter Park. After watching our review, be sure to check out the full length episodes, then share it with your fiends.

For 2022, I want to hear from you! Where should we go next? Drop me an email at joe@joejustice.org and let me know where you would like to see me, Clark and Ray visit in 2022.

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